Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support

Pelvic organ prolapse (or POP) affects an estimated 1 in 5 women. Commonly seen in women over 50 - but also increasingly a problem for younger women, particularly after pregnancy and childbirth.
What is a POP?
The protrusion of pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, small intestine, or rectum) into the vaginal wall with symptoms ranging from persistent vaginal pressure to urinary incontinence, fecal leakage, and painful intercourse. The pelvic floor muscles are a ‘sling’ of muscles that support these organs from beneath.
Without proper support - from weak, torn, or damaged fascia, ligaments, or muscles - pelvic organs can bulge down into the vagina, or rectum, and that’s a prolapse.
Suffering in silence
Many women suffer in silence, feeling embarrassed to talk about their prolapse - even to their closest friends and family. They are coping in silence.
Many avoid seeking medical attention because they are uncomfortable speaking about their problem, even to their doctors. It is a private area, and some women feel a sense of shame, that they have somehow “failed” or their body has let them down in some way. Often women feel isolated, or “less than” their counterparts who seem to have the perfect working body.
This can be even more difficult for women under 50 - as POP is more commonly known as a condition that affects older women. Why? The most common risk factors are vaginal childbirth and menopause. The first stretches the vaginal wall and supporting tissues through physical force; the second reduces oestrogen levels, which help maintain pelvic floor tissues.
But it is not only older women who suffer from POP.
In my Homeopathic practice, the majority of women who come to me for help with prolapse have ranged in age from 25 - 45 years. Often the causation is pregnancy - regardless of how long ago they gave birth. Some women only develop symptoms of prolapse 10 years after their last vaginal delivery, some within weeks of giving birth.
Types of prolapse:
Anterior vaginal prolapse (cystocele or urethrocele) happens when the bladder falls down into the vagina.
Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele) is when the wall separating the rectum from the vagina weakens
Uterine prolapse is when the uterus droops down into the vagina.
Apical prolapse (vaginal vault prolapse) is when the cervix or upper part of the vagina falls down into the vagina.
Physicians often use stages to describe the severity of prolapse:
Stage 1: The wall/organ protrudes a little way into the vagina
Stage 2: The wall/organ protrudes close to the vaginal opening
Stage 3: The wall/organ protrudes out of the vagina
Management and treatment can include:
Physiotherapy and pelvic floor muscle training lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, improved diet, fluid intake and exercise, and learning good bowel and bladder habits
Pessaries – a plastic or rubber device that fits into the vagina) can be fitted to provide internal support
Surgery to repair stretched or torn tissue and ligaments
Holistic treatments such as Homeopathy for prolapse, acupuncture, abdominal massage, etc
How can I help?
A well-chosen Homeopathic remedy in conjunction with lifestyle changes, body awareness, and self-care measures can reduce the severity of prolapse - and in some cases, reverse it completely.
Homeopathy works on the principle of “like cures like” - matter that can cause certain symptoms, equally can cure them.
I have worked with numerous women around the world to help them with their prolapse symptoms. There is no physical examination required, and the consultation takes place from the comfort of their own home.
Many people are surprised that Homeopathy can help with prolapse - but why wouldn't it? A prolapse is a physical manifestation of an energy imbalance in the body - the same as Cancer, Depression, Eczema, or Migraine. Yes, physical organs are affected - the skin is an organ too, yet Homeopathy is known to effectively treat Eczema.
An initial Homeopathic consultation takes up to 90 minutes, during which time I will take a full medical history, family health history, discuss food likes/dislikes, fears, recurring dreams, etc. I use this information to find the remedy which best suits you.
I have a Pelvic Organ Prolapse package available via my prices and booking page, it is the most cost-effective way to begin your Homeopathic journey to healing this precious area. To see the full benefits of Homeopathic treatment, a minimum of two follow-up appointments are required. Additional follow-up appointments can be booked if needed.
To find out more, please book a free 15-minute discovery chat with me below. I look forward to helping you feel your absolute best as a woman. Healing IS possible!