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Homeopathic Protocols - Are they suitable for everyone?

Updated: Sep 23

By Kirsty Richards DipHomNZ

The use of protocols has exploded in recent times and is particularly popular in the United States.

The commonly used protocols have been established by the Banerji’s (known as the

Banerji Protocols) and are based on the 100+ years of clinical research done in India, over four generations by the Banerji Family of homeopaths. 

This type of homeopathic prescribing differs from the Classical approach used in traditional homeopathy for the past 200+ years, where the emphasis is on treating the individual and their specific set of symptoms, rather than the disease itself. 

Classical homeopaths prescribe one remedy at a time and believe in using only a minimal dose, the lowest potency and fewest number of repetitions required in each particular case.

Whereas the Banerji Protocols use a clinical evaluation approach with modern medical assessments to treat the disease itself, with no emphasis on the individual representation.

The Protocols use combinations of homeopathic remedies and frequent repetitions of the remedies are used when required.

The established protocols can be used to treat various life-threatening diseases, including ADHD, asthma, autism, autoimmune diseases, cancer, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, etc as well as various acute conditions.

Despite being trained as a Classical Homeopath; I use a combination approach when treating clients in my clinic. I don’t use protocols as such, but often more than one remedy at a time will be prescribed, in conjunction with Cell Salts for daily support.

Homeopathic Protocols - Are they suitable for everyone?

In my opinion, protocols are fine to use as a layperson (someone not trained as a

Homeopath), for simple Acute conditions, but it is important to be aware of the basic homeopathy principles, such as:

  • Stopping the remedies when symptoms improve

  • Do not continue taking the protocol for too long to avoid the risk of proving the remedies (causing the symptoms you are aiming to treat - like cures like)

  • Knowing when to stop taking the Protocol if symptoms are not improving (my suggestion is to revise your method if there is no improvement or changes to symptoms after 7 days for an Acute condition).

Protocols can be helpful for MANY, but they don’t work for everyone. If someone is new to Homeopathy, my recommendation is to start with the single remedy approach first. 

If a combination remedy fails to act, which particular component of it was defective? Was it remedy x, y or z? This means having to start all over again, and if it's an acute situation you are aiming to treat, the longer it takes to find the Simillimum (the remedy indicated in a certain case because the same drug, when given to a healthy person, will produce the symptom complex most nearly approaching that of the disease in question), the longer it takes to treat. 

 Many see using combination remedies as "easier." In some ways that is true. Generally speaking, the majority of people will find some curative action using a combination of remedies. It may not be a full cure as such, but it helps at the time. I’d rather someone use a Homeopathic protocol for their Acute symptoms than pharmaceutical! 

Treating chronic (or serious/life threatening) conditions are a different matter. 

While there is irrefutable evidence the Banerji Protocols have been used to successfully treat various life-threatening diseases, I personally do NOT recommend anyone with a serious illness to self-treat using Protocols, or any other method. It is vital to get professional help and guidance for the best results.

Ultimately, there are no shortcuts to health, regardless of what approach you use. 

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more info and sign up to my newsletter (via my website) for more tips and special offers.

If you’d like to explore my approach to Homeopathy, book a free 15-minute discovery chat with me today. I’d love to help you! I work with people and pets, worldwide online. 


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