By: Kirsty Richards DipHomNZ

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema, is a very common skin condition that causes your skin to be dry, itchy and red (inflamed).
The exact cause of eczema is not known but it's commonly believed to be caused by a combination of genes and environmental factors. Some people with atopic eczema have a lower amount of a protein called filaggrin. Filaggrin plays an important role in keeping your skin barrier healthy, so having a lower level may lead to dry skin and increases the risk of developing eczema.
People with atopic eczema also tend to have an overactive immune system which can be triggered by a substance inside or outside of the body, causing inflammation.
Eczema isn’t just about dry, itchy skin—it’s an ongoing battle that affects both comfort and confidence. Conventional treatments - such as steroids - often suppress symptoms, but homeopathy works with your body to bring deep, long-lasting healing.
Eczema can affect any area of the skin:
In babies, it's often seen on their face, body, arms and legs.
In older children, it's often the skin in the creases behind their knees, wrists, elbows and ankles.
in adults it can affect any part of the body with common areas being the wrists, inside elbows, back of knees, trunk and limbs.
Sometimes it can affect the face and genital areas.
Sometimes your skin can become infected. Signs and symptoms of infection include:
skin that's weepy and crusted
lots of white or yellow pimples
a sudden flare-up of eczema all over your body
painful skin
painful blisters that look like chickenpox.
Homeopathy works to address the deeper imbalances within the body that makes it more susceptible to eczema. These are some of the key homeopathic remedies for eczema, but there are many more! This is a just an overall guide:
Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema
1️⃣ Sulphur – The 🔥 Burning, Itchy Eczema Remedy
✨ Keynotes:
👉 Intense itching & burning, worsens with warmth & bathing
👉 Dry, rough, or oozing skin, especially in skin folds
👉 Worse at night, heat, and scratching
👉 Often suits people with a fiery personality & craving for sweets
🩹 Best for: Chronic eczema with red, unhealthy-looking skin that’s always itching. A classic go-to remedy!
2️⃣ Graphites – The 🧴 Cracked & Oozing Skin Remedy
✨ Keynotes:
👉Thick, sticky, honey-like discharge from skin cracks
👉 Eczema in skin folds, behind ears, or on the hands
👉 Worse in cold weather, better from warmth
👉 Often suits individuals with tendency to weight gain & constipation
🩹 Best for: Deep cracks and oozing eruptions, especially if they heal slowly. Great for ear eczema! 👂
3️⃣ Lycopodium – The 🌱 Digestive-Linked Eczema Remedy
✨ Keynotes:
👉Dry, scaly eczema with deep cracks on hands & feet
👉 Itching worse in the evening and from warmth
👉 Eczema flares alongside bloating, acidity, or gas
👉 Suited to people with low self-confidence but strong ambitions
🩹 Best for: Chronic eczema that flares up with stress or digestive issues. If your skin and stomach both act up, Lycopodium is a must! 💡
4️⃣ Natrum Muriaticum – The 😢 Emotional Eczema Remedy
✨ Keynotes:
👉Dry, chapped skin, worse from sun exposure ☀️
👉 Triggered by suppressed emotions, grief, or stress
👉 Eczema around the hairline, lips, or skin folds
👉 Suited to people who bottle up emotions & crave solitude
🩹 Best for: If your eczema worsens with emotional stress, this remedy works wonders!
5️⃣ Petroleum – The 🥶 Winter Eczema Savior
✨ Keynotes:
👉 Thick, rough, cracked skin, painful & bleeding
👉 Worse in winter and from frequent handwashing
👉 Itching is severe & scratching leads to infection
👉 Suited to people with extremely dry, chapped skin
🩹 Best for: Eczema that cracks open and worsens in cold weather. Perfect for hand eczema! 🤲
6️⃣ Mezereum – The 🏥 Thick-Crusted, Itchy Eczema Remedy
✨ Keynotes:
👉 Thick, yellowish crusts over raw, inflamed skin
👉 Oozing discharge with an offensive odor 🤢
👉 Itching is unbearable, worse at night & warmth
👉 Suited to people who feel chilly & like warm coverings
🩹 Best for: Scalp eczema and thick crusting eruptions. A must-try if eczema follows vaccinations or suppressed skin issues. 💉
🌟 Find YOUR Perfect Remedy! 🌟
Every eczema case is unique, and homeopathy works by treating the root cause, not just the symptoms!
💡 Want to learn more about natural eczema relief?
I work with people and pets, worldwide, online. If you'd like to learn more or
get some support for eczema for yourself or a loved one, reach out to me.
💖There are ways to help your eczema symptoms resolve naturally! 💖