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Homeopathy for Cradle Cap

Updated: Sep 23

By Kirsty Richards DipHomNZ

Cradle cap is a build-up of yellow, greasy, and often scaly patches of skin, usually on your baby’s scalp.

Cradle cap is a harmless, non-contagious, painless, and non-itchy condition. It is neither of allergic origin nor a bacterial infection and isn’t caused by poor hygiene.

Signs and Symptoms of Cradle Cap

Cradle cap looks like large, greasy scales or crusts that are white, yellow, or brownish color on a baby’s scalp. It appears most often in babies in the first 2 months and tends to last only a few weeks or months. It is uncommon in babies older than 3 months but may last up to 6 to 12 months in some babies. The cradle cap mainly consists of scales, dead skin cells, and sebum (skin oil). There may be some accompanying redness on the affected part. Occasionally, there may be hair loss if the hair gets matted with sticky crusts, but the hair does grow back. Sometimes scales may spread to the face, eyelid, nose, ear, neck, armpits, and groins. In more severe cases of cradle cap where there are cracks and bleeding, there are chances of getting a bacterial infection.


There are various theories about the causes of cradle cap, some say it is a result of hormones passed to the infant from the Mother, that it’s excessive production of oil/sebum production in the oil glands and hair follicles, or that it is a reaction to the fungus Malassezia that grows on the skin.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for cradle cap are very mild and do not have any side effects. They can be safely used for infants from newborn onwards and don’t have any side effects or interfere with any other medications.

When selecting the best homeopathic remedy, it is important to look at your baby’s individual symptoms. In Homeopathy we have keynotes - or top indications for remedies. If your baby has three or more symptoms that match those particular keynotes, there’s a high probability the remedy will help.

Calc Carb, Kali Sulph, Graphites, and Natrum Mur are among the top homeopathic medicines for cradle cap.

Calcarea Carb

Calcarea Carb is effective when there are thick scabs that bleed when picked.. Scales of yellow-white color also appear on the scalp. This is attended with profuse sweating on the scalp and neck. The perspiration may have a foul odor. Thick scabs on the head may spread to the face and other areas.

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph is effective for cradle cap where there are yellowish scales on the scalp. The scales are copious, and moist in sticky in most cases.


Consider Graphites when scales are present on the eyelids and behind the ear in addition to the scalp. There may be a sticky fluid that causes hair to stick together. The scales may clear on washing but form again. The scalp may be cold to the touch.

Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur works well in cases of cradle cap when the scalp is highly greasy, oily, and scaly. The scales are mostly white. Redness over the scalp may also be present. Natrum Mur is also helpful in cases where scabs form on the scalp, neck, and armpits.


Thuja is an effective remedy for cradle cap where there are white scales on the scalp. The white scales may extend over the neck and ears. The scalp may be sweaty with an unusual honey-like smell.


Mezereum is well indicated for cases of cradle cap with thick leather-like crusts or scabs on the scalp. The hair may get glued together from discharges from the scabs. The scabs on the scalp are white, and chalk-like, and may spread to the nape of the neck and eyebrows. There may be hair loss from the scalp and eyebrows.


Petroleum is useful for cradle cap with yellowish–green colored crusts on the scalp. The scalp may be entirely covered with crusts. These crusts get entangled with hair and stick to it. They are difficult to detach and tend to bleed. The scalp is also raw and red.


Phosphorus is a good option for cradle cap where there is prominent hair loss along with flakes on the scalp. The scalp feels hot and sweaty.

Remember, these are a guideline only. If you need some more one on one guidance, please reach out to me below. I'm here to help!

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1 Comment

Jul 27

What about the dosage for 2 months baby?

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