If your baby is struggling with reflux - or you suspect they may have reflux - you’re not alone!
It can be worrying for parents when babies are showing these signs, especially for new parents. Reflux in babies is pretty common and usually nothing to worry about, but it can be tough to watch your little one struggle.
Signs to look out for include:
Frequent spitting up (sometimes a lot!), fussiness during or after feeds, arching their back in discomfort, hiccups, coughing, and seeming unsettled when lying flat. Some babies also have "silent reflux," where the milk comes up but doesn’t always come out, leading to lots of swallowing, gagging, or a hoarse-sounding cry.
Many little ones go through this, but homeopathy offers gentle, natural options to help ease their tummy troubles. Here are the top homeopathic remedies known to help ease symptoms of reflux in babies, along with key signs to help you pick the best one.
The Best Homeopathic Remedies for Reflux in Babies:
1. Nux Vomica – For Overfed, Irritable Babies
This is a great remedy for babies who have reflux due to overfeeding or sensitive digestion.
🌟 Signs Nux Vomica Might Help:
✔️ Frequent spit-up, especially after eating too much.
✔️ Cranky, restless, and fussy, especially in the evening.
✔️ Sensitive to noise, light, and touch—wakes up easily.
✔️ Constipation or straining without much result.
✔️ Worse after mom eats spicy or rich food.
2. Calcarea Carbonica – For Chubby, Sweaty Babies
Perfect for plump babies who spit up sour-smelling milk and have slow digestion.
🌟 Signs Calcarea Carbonica Might Help:
✔️ Vomiting of curdled milk with a sour smell.
✔️ Baby sweats a lot on the head, especially during sleep.
✔️ Bloated tummy and sluggish digestion.
✔️ Slow to reach developmental milestones.
✔️ Worse after dairy or cold foods.
3. Silica – For Delicate, Weak Babies
This remedy suits babies who seem frail, have weak digestion, and don’t gain weight easily.
🌟 Signs Silicea Might Help:
✔️ Spits up undigested milk hours after feeding.
✔️ Baby seems weak and doesn’t put on weight well.
✔️ Lots of head sweating at night.
✔️ May dislike breastfeeding or struggle to digest milk.
✔️ Worse in cold weather or after vaccinations.
4. Lycopodium – For Gassy, Bloated Babies
If your baby has reflux along with gas and bloating, Lycopodium might be the answer!
🌟 Signs Lycopodium Might Help:
✔️ Lots of spit-up with bloating and burping.
✔️ Colicky, cranky, and worse in the late afternoon.
✔️ Prefers warm drinks and dislikes milk.
✔️ Often thin but always hungry.
✔️ Worse after overeating or lying on the right side.
5. Phosphorus – For Thirsty, Sensitive Babies
Great for reflux when babies vomit immediately after drinking or eating.
🌟 Signs Phosphorus Might Help:
✔️ Throws up milk or water shortly after drinking it.
✔️ Craves cold drinks but vomits them once they warm up in the stomach.
✔️ Always thirsty but takes small sips.
✔️ Sweet, affectionate, and loves being held.
✔️ Worse in the evening but better with naps.
6. Colocynthis – For Reflux with Severe Colic
A wonderful remedy for babies who have reflux with intense tummy cramps.
🌟 Signs Colocynthis Might Help:
✔️ Spits up milk with severe cramping and gas.
✔️ Baby pulls legs up to the tummy for relief.
✔️ Feels better when carried or pressed against the tummy.
✔️ Crying and fussiness, especially after feeding.
✔️ Worse after excitement, stress, or mom eating gassy foods.
7. Dioscorea – For Reflux with Arching Back
Great for babies who cry and arch their back due to tummy discomfort.
🌟 Signs Dioscorea Might Help:
✔️ Spits up frequently, especially after feeds.
✔️ Baby screams and arches backward in pain.
✔️ Better when stretched out or carried upright.
✔️ Gas and colic that improve with movement.
✔️ Worse when lying down, better when held upright.
In addition to Homeopathic remedies, the Cell Salt
Natrum Phosphoricum can help ease acid reflux with sour vomiting, curdled milk in spit-up, and colicky pain.
Potency: 6X or 12X (biochemic tissue salt)
Dosage: 2-3 tablets dissolved in water, 3-4 times a day.
General Dosage Guidelines:
30c potency is recommended
Use remedies diluted in water for infants.
Administer 2-3 times a day until improvement is noticed.
If symptoms improve, reduce the frequency or stop the remedy.
Always consult a homeopathic practitioner for individualized treatment.
In conclusion:
Reflux can be tough, but homeopathy provides gentle relief based on your baby’s unique symptoms. If your little one is struggling, one of these remedies might be just what they need to feel better.
💡 Pro tip: A professional homeopath can help with the best remedy and dosage for your baby’s needs. I work with clients worldwide, online. If you need more help, contact be using the button below.
Here’s to happy tummies and peaceful feedings! 💕