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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers: An Easy Guide

Updated: Sep 23

homoeopathy for fevers

By Kirsty Richards DipHomNZ

If you or a loved one has ever had a fever, you know how uncomfortable it can be, and scary for parents too, especially if it's a young child that has one. But don’t worry – nature has some gentle and effective remedies to help soothe those feverish moments. Let’s explore the top 5 homeopathic remedies for fevers.

1. Belladonna

Belladonna is often the go-to remedy for sudden, high fevers. If you feel hot, flushed, and have a throbbing headache, Belladonna might be your best friend. It's especially helpful if your fever spikes quickly and you're sensitive to light and noise.

Key Symptoms:

- High, sudden fever

- Red face and dilated pupils

- Throbbing headache

2. Aconite

Aconite is perfect for fevers that come on rapidly after exposure to a cold wind or sudden shock. If you're feeling restless and anxious with your fever, this remedy can provide some much-needed relief.

Key Symptoms:

- Sudden onset of fever

- Restlessness and anxiety

- Thirst for cold water

3. Ferrum Phosphoricum

Ferrum Phosphoricum is great for the early stages of a fever, especially when you're feeling weak and tired. It's a gentle remedy that helps boost your immune system and combat the fever before it gets too intense.

Key Symptoms:

- Gradual onset of fever

- Weakness and fatigue

- Pale face with rosy cheeks

4. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is ideal for fevers that come with chills, drowsiness, and overall heaviness. If you feel like you're being weighed down and just want to sleep, Gelsemium can help you feel more comfortable.

Key Symptoms:

- Slow onset of fever

- Chills and shivering

- Drowsiness and heaviness

5. Bryonia

Bryonia is the remedy for fevers accompanied by a dry cough, body aches, and a strong desire to stay still. If movement makes everything feel worse, Bryonia can help ease your discomfort.

Key Symptoms:

- Fever with dry cough

- Severe body aches

- Aggravation from movement

All of these remedies are available in the Helios Basic 36 Remedy Kit, I highly recommend this kit, it's great value, has a handy travel case and a comprehensive, easy to follow remedy guide. You can purchase that here:

Using Homeopathic Remedies Safely

Homeopathic remedies are generally safe and can be a wonderful addition to your natural health toolkit. However, it’s important to use them correctly. Here are a few tips:

Potency and dosage

Always match the intensity of the symptoms with the remedy, e.g a high fever with sudden onset will respond faster to a higher potency such as a 200C

If the fever has a slower onset, use a lower potency (6C-30C)

The remedy can be repeated at 20-30 minute intervals until the fever starts to come down. Once it starts reducing, stop taking the remedy. If the fever starts to rise again, then repeat dosing.

Fever can be a signal that your body is fighting off an infection, so it's crucial to rest, stay hydrated, and keep an eye on your symptoms. While these homeopathic remedies can provide comfort, always seek medical advice if your fever is very high, persistent, or accompanied by severe symptoms.

Stay healthy and take care, everyone! 🌿💖


Feel free to share this blog with friends and family who might find it helpful. If you need further assistance with fevers or any other health issue, book an appointment with me using the button below. I work with people and pets, worldwide, online.

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