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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Startle Reflex in Babies

Updated: Sep 23

By Kirsty Richards DipHomNZ

baby homeopathy reflex

As parents, we all want to ensure our little ones feel safe, secure, and comforted, especially during those early months when everything is new and sometimes a bit overwhelming. One common reflex that often worries parents is the startle reflex, also known as the Moro reflex. This reflex, where babies suddenly jerk their arms and legs or seem to jump in response to a loud noise or sudden movement, is completely normal. It’s their tiny bodies' way of reacting to the world around them.

While the startle reflex typically fades as your baby grows, there are gentle homeopathic remedies that can help ease any discomfort or distress associated with it. Let’s explore the top five remedies that might provide some relief and help your little one feel more at ease.

1. Aconitum napellus (Aconite)

Aconite is like a calming hug in a bottle. It’s especially useful when your baby’s startle reflex seems to be triggered by fear, such as after a loud noise or sudden movement. If your little one appears anxious or restless, especially during the night, Aconite might help soothe their nerves and make them feel more secure.

Why it’s helpful:

Aconite is great for babies who startle easily and seem frightened or uneasy afterward.

2. Chamomilla

Chamomilla is a go-to remedy for sensitive and irritable babies. If your baby is easily startled and has trouble settling down afterward, especially if they’re crying inconsolably, Chamomilla might be just what they need. This remedy is also fantastic for teething babies who are extra fussy and need constant comforting.

Why it’s helpful:

Chamomilla is ideal for babies who are overly sensitive and need extra comfort and soothing.

3. Belladonna

If your baby’s startle reflex is accompanied by a sudden onset of symptoms like fever, red cheeks, or a flushed face, Belladonna is a remedy to consider. It’s particularly effective when your baby wakes suddenly, appearing scared or disoriented. Belladonna can help calm these sudden, intense reactions and bring your baby back to a state of calm.

Why it’s helpful:

Belladonna is perfect for babies who startle easily and have other sudden symptoms like fever or flushing.

4. Lycopodium clavatum (Lycopodium)

Lycopodium is wonderful for babies who seem insecure or timid. If your little one is easily startled, especially when waking up or in new environments, and tends to cling to you for comfort, this remedy can help them feel more confident and at ease.

Why it’s helpful:

Lycopodium helps babies who are insecure and easily startled feel more secure and relaxed.

5. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a remedy for babies who are not only easily startled but also very affectionate and sensitive. If your baby startles easily, especially at loud noises or sudden lights, and seems to crave attention and affection afterward, Phosphorus can help them feel more grounded and secure.

Why it’s helpful:

Phosphorus is great for babies who are affectionate, sensitive, and easily startled by their surroundings.

All of these remedies are available in the Helios Basic 36 Remedy kit. You can purchase that here:

Potency and Dosage

I only recommend using lower potencies such as 6C-30C for treating this (unless under the guidance of a Homeopath).

General Dosing Guidelines for 30C Potency

1. Standard Dose:

Infants (0-12 months): Dissolve 1 pellet in a small amount of water (about 2-3 teaspoons) and give a few drops of the solution.

2. Frequency of Dosing:

Acute Conditions: If the symptoms are sudden and intense (like a sudden startle reflex), you can administer the remedy every 15-30 minutes for the first 2-3 doses. After that, reduce to 1-2 times a day for NO MORE than 5 days.

3. When to Stop:

Symptom Improvement:

Stop the remedy as soon as you notice significant improvement in symptoms. Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s healing response, so over-dosing can potentially overwhelm the system.

No Improvement:

If there’s no improvement after 3-5 doses, or if symptoms worsen, it’s advisable to consult a homeopath for further guidance.

4. Repeat Dosing:

If symptoms return after improvement, you can repeat the dose. However, if repeated dosing is needed over a prolonged period, it’s a good idea to seek professional advice.

Handling the Remedy:

Avoid touching the pellets with your fingers to maintain their potency. Use the cap of the bottle to drop the pellet directly into the mouth or into water.


Keep the remedies in a cool, dry place, away from strong odors, direct sunlight, and electromagnetic devices (like microwaves or phones).

Final Thoughts

The startle reflex is a natural part of your baby’s development, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. However, if your little one seems particularly distressed or if the reflex is interfering with their sleep and comfort, these homeopathic remedies might offer some gentle relief.

Remember, every baby is unique, and it’s important to observe your little one’s specific symptoms and reactions. If you’re unsure which remedy is best, or if your baby’s startle reflex seems unusually intense, consulting with a qualified homeopath can help guide you in choosing the right approach.

Your baby’s well-being is the priority, and these natural remedies are here to support both of you through this early stage of life.

These are general guidelines, and it’s always recommended to consult with a qualified homeopath for personalized advice, especially for infants or individuals with chronic conditions. I work with families, individuals and pets worldwide online. You can book an Acute or more in-depth appointment with me using the button below. Feel free to share this blog with anyone who might find it helpful, stay well and happy, Kirsty xo

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