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Yeast infections in dogs

Updated: Sep 23

By Kirsty Richards, DipHomNZ

Of all the issues dog owners come to me with, the number one complaint has to be

Yeast infections.

These annoying infections can be a thorn in a dog owner’s side, and sometimes it seems

NOTHING helps!

Typical signs of yeast infections in dogs include:

  • Scratching ears - a lot

  • Biting or licking paws

  • Recurring ear infections

  • Skin irritation and redness

  • Stinky dog syndrome - you know, the dog that smells even straight after a bath!

  • Excessive ear wax

  • Shaking head

  • Hot spots

  • Sweet or musty smell in the ears or paws

Conventional methods of treatment can include antifungal medications and washes, and in severe cases, steroid medication. Unfortunately, these options often only mask the symptoms, and once medication stops, the issue reappears.

The Homeopathic approach to treating yeast, looks at it from a much deeper perspective, aiming to treat the root cause, and rebalance the animal’s whole being, to prevent it from recurring.

Diet can be a contributing factor in yeast infections, and I recommend a raw diet as much as possible. A balanced raw diet includes meat, bones, organs, and green tripe from a variety of sources, in approximate prey proportions. I recommend feeding from at least three different prey species over a week. This ensures a good variety of nutrients in your dog’s diet. Chicken can be a trigger for yeast, so avoid this as much as possible. Chicken necks given occasionally to help with oral care is fine, as long as chicken isn’t a known trigger for your dog.

Transitioning your dog to a raw food diet can take some time, and homeopathy can help support your animals liver and digestive system as they go through this process.

Some dogs need a candida or yeast specific remedy to bring their body back into balance, some need a course of their Constitutional Remedy to get them back on track.

I have an E-book available: Dog Constitutional Remedies, An Easy Guide. You can get your copy here:

Which remedies are needed, depends on your dog’s individual symptom picture. With Homeopathy, there is no one size fits all approach - we are always treating the individual and how symptoms show up for them.

Some of the remedies I’ve used to treat yeast include:

  • Malassezia

  • Candida Albicans

  • Thuja

  • Antimonium Crud

  • Constitutional remedies

  • Sulphur

  • Psorinum

  • Pulsatilla

  • Silica

Some key indicators for some of these remedies include:


  • Warty growths

  • Dry skin with brown spots/growths

  • Sensitive to touch

  • Worse scratching

  • Worse at night


  • These animals are very sensitive to heat, all things worse warmth

  • Redness of affected parts

  • Itching

  • Averse to bathing

  • These dogs are often smelly, and have smelly discharges

  • Dry skin and fur


  • Skin: abscesses/boils/fistulas

  • Cracked skin

  • Coppery coloured spots

  • All symptoms worse from the cold

  • Ear discharges


  • This is particularly suited for dogs with yeast infections that affect the ears

  • Swollen and red ears

  • Thick, bland discharges (with offensive odor)

  • These dogs are usually thirstless and like to have company

Antimonium Crudum

  • Warty growths

  • Pimples, pustules and vesicles

  • Scaly eruptions with burning and itching

  • Worse at night

  • Scabs can be thick and honey coloured

Malasezzia, Candida Albicans and Psorinum

  • These are Nosodes and are best prescribed by a Homeopath.

If Yeast is a problem for your pet, please reach out to me today. Let’s kick yeast in the butt!

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